Monday, May 24, 2010

day 11

Today I began assembling a bit of the stool.

-I made it so the pieces would slide together easily, which required a lot of sanding and precise cutting.

-I also sanded the top a lot so it would look nice, Jon also came in at night and helped me take care of some defects in the seat, as it is the pice people see the most.

-We also set up the drill press so that the pieces can have the perfect 5/8 inch hole drilled in the exact center. This was a challenge because the pieces were circular and had a tendency to roll....this was fixed with a v-block.

-finally, I drew up a new sketch showing the exact angle of the stool legs.

Worked for 4 hours today


  1. Would you define a v-block? Thanks!

  2. basically a block that holds the circular leg is sort of a cross-section:
