Tuesday, May 25, 2010

day 12

Stool is basically all finished today, did a lot of work today.

Drilled ll the holes to line up the stool, which was difficult because I needed to figure out all the angles as well as set the drill press for that.

I also finished sanding all other pieces so the stool has a smooth and unblemished surface.

I finally glued it all together and then later put a coat of polyurethane finish on it.

total of four hours today.

Now I need to write my evaluation and give Jon the sponsor evaluation.

Monday, May 24, 2010

day 11

Today I began assembling a bit of the stool.

-I made it so the pieces would slide together easily, which required a lot of sanding and precise cutting.

-I also sanded the top a lot so it would look nice, Jon also came in at night and helped me take care of some defects in the seat, as it is the pice people see the most.

-We also set up the drill press so that the pieces can have the perfect 5/8 inch hole drilled in the exact center. This was a challenge because the pieces were circular and had a tendency to roll....this was fixed with a v-block.

-finally, I drew up a new sketch showing the exact angle of the stool legs.

Worked for 4 hours today

Sunday, May 23, 2010

weekly ref.

Weekly reflection

Oliver Moore

This week I learned many new things. I learned that the most difficult part of putting together my stool will be figuring out the angles in which to drill the legs. I also learned how to turn the top of the stool, which will be a little contoured in the center, making it comfortable to sit on. I learned that the top is made much like a a bowl, which I knew how to do.
The things I worked on this week were basically the same that I did last week. I finished all the legs and the seat, which I found to be just as enjoyable. I think the next week will be less fun because I will mainly be sanding and assembling.
I need to have a seat that works and looks well on the windsor stile stool, which I designed after one that Jon had in his house. Jon helped me figure out how I would need to set up the seat to be turned, because I was unsure on how I was going to prepare it for the lathe.
So far everything has gone well, however it was more difficult than I expected to turn the seat. It was not so much difficult, as it was different. I was used to turning the long and thin legs, so it was a much different process. I figured it out though and it turned out nicely.
My turning skills are still getting better, I made bascially 95% of the stool this week, and the first and last weeks are for preparation and finishing. I needed to work efficiently and make sure I was able to finish everything on a deadline. It was good for me to learn how to set deadlines and then reach them on my own time.

Friday, May 21, 2010

day 10

Today I went to Jon's house and got the top piece that will be my seat.

-We found a good piece of walnut that will contrast with the maple, the walnut has some cool patterns in it that will make it look interesting.

-Jon also showed me some turning techniques that I will have to use to turn the seat, it is a much different process than turning the legs and I cannot mess up because I have one piece of wood.

-I was going to begin turning tonight but I did not have the appropriate materials in the woodshop, so I got it ready to be turned.

Overall I put in 4 hours of work today.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

day 9

Today was a slightly easier day of turning.

-I only needed to make one perfect rung for the center one crossing between the two side rungs. I messed up a couple times so it took longer than expected.

-I also completed the finishing touches on my picture, determining the angles when I drill the leg holes will be difficult, maybe even an issue.

-Tomorrow I will be hopefully making the seat for it and getting it ready for assembly. My only worry is that the assembly will be hard and I wont have enough time to put the right finish/wax on it.

about 2.5 hours today.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

day 8

Today I completed all my turnings except for one rung.

-i worked for a couple hours this morning and finished my legs and started the rungs.

-After lunch I worked for two more hours and completed 2 of the 3 rungs.

-Tonight I worked for about an hour getting the third rung almost done and also getting a drawing better for when I assemble the stool

Overall the stool is really coming together now, hoping to finish all parts by friday and assemble next week.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

day 7

Long day of turning today.

-Made a bunch of final product pieces this morning

-Was able to make 4 finished legs today, not all will be able to be used.

-Jon met with me tonight and hooked me up with a nice new piece to hold my turnings.

-should be finishing legs and starting rungs tomorrow.

Spent 5-6 hours in the woodshop.

Monday, May 17, 2010

day 6

Today and over the weekend I put in many hours on the lathe getting my technique down.

-this morning I went into the woodshop for about an hour and a half and got wood ready as well a finish up one turning.

-went to the woodshop again after lunch for 2 hours and worked on turning, made three rungs.

-this evening I worked again for 2 hours and made 2 good legs.

-I will be able to start my final product legs tomorrow, I am confident I have the technique down now.

Worked around 5 and a half hours today.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

weekly ref.

Weekly reflection

Oliver Moore

This week I learned many new things. I learned that it is much more work making a stool than anyone would imagine. The legs alone are much more work than I previously assumed and I will need to practice them a great deal.
I really like using the lathe. I have been using it a little bit in my two years here and it is very enjoyable. Not many people understand all the things that are made using a lather, and it takes years to master. The good thing about wood turning is that it is instant gratification, in short time I can have something concrete, which is not true with other parts of woodworking.
Jon and I decided it would be best if I continued practicing my leg design and got myself into a place where I could best finish the stool sucessfully. I want to be able to finish it with ample time for the finish to dry and the wax to go on, therefore I need to structure my time accordingly.
So far everything has gone well and I have had no surprises. Besides realizing that I needed to work on my turning the project has been very straightforward this first week.
I feel I have gotten exponentially better at the pattern I am using for my legs and am almost ready to make the real thing. The practice this week set the groundwork for me to make perfect legs next week.

Friday, May 14, 2010

day 5

Today I worked on my turnings.

-came in the morning and worked on two legs for about an hour and a half, made some progress but my tecnique still needed work.

-worked on a rung as well, it is a little different in design than the legs so I need to practice it as well.

-After dinner I met with Jon for about 2 hours and we caught up on my project. Jon critiqued some of my work I have done so far and made we both see that they have to be more "fluid" looking, so that is what I am now going to focus on.

Worked 4 total hours today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

day 4

Today was a medium length day.

-got lumber from Evarts to practice with

-went directly to woodshop and cranked out a leg. It was alright, but definitely could be better, dimensions were very off.

-ate lunch and went to practice, then went back to the woodshop at night and turned another leg...this one was better, less errors and more accurate measurments. Marked progress from first one.

overall took at least three hours today.

Tomorrow will include processing more lumber and making practice pieces. Hopefully I will make the rung desing as well

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

day 3

shorter day due to an away game

-went to the woodshop and set up the steady rest.
-turned a practice piece leg....I need to work on my tapering a bit.
-I then finished my drawing and made it much better.

tomorrow will be comprised of more turning practice, getting practice lumber, and looking at patterns for the seat.

about 3 hours work today.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

day 2

Pretty busy day today...

-worked probably around 5 hours total

-woke up and went to the woodshop to finish up my design, as well as make some sample pieces to work on my leg designs....all in all took about 2 hours.

-George Emeny had a tree he needed cut down, which was made of maple, and therefore provides me with a large supply of lumber to practice my turnings on, this took an hour and a half.

-Then, at around 6:30 I met with Jon, my sponsor, who went over basically everything I would need to know make the stool. We made a makeshift steady rest to reduce vibration on the legs, and then reviewed my drawings, they need some work....

tomorrow will include some practice turning and chopping up the tree.

Monday, May 10, 2010

day 1

First day of work done today. Probably the lightest day I will have.

- ~3 hours total work today

-Woke up and found and printed a few plans to work with in the library for about an hour, printed directions out to the lumber store called Evarts.
-Went to the Lumber store, and got a piece of 8/4 inch hard maple. This is what I will be making the stool out of. Payed $40 for the piece and then left, total time for this was a little over an hour.
- Sketched the plan for what the stool will look like. A pretty rough sketch that took about an hour and a half. The sketch will be used to get an idea what the full sized thing will look like.


above is the plan I will be using for the stool.

Tomorrow I will be processing the wood, finishing the drawing, and meeting with Jon.